Join your neighbors in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving money, protecting the environment and creating a cleaner, healthier, more resilient community.
Reduce energy use 4% every year
- Complete energy benchmarking of your buildings and retrofit to maximize energy efficiency $ $
- Create behavior change management strategies for building users
- Implement Energy management equipment and services $ $
- Install renewable energy $
Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled 4% Per Company Vehicle, Employee And Customer Every Year
- Provide incentives for employees and customers to walk, bike, or take public transit
- Permit and continue to work from home
- Provide electric vehicle charging for employees and customers and transition company fleet to electric $
- Source locally
Reduce Waste 4% Every Year
- Recycle
- Implement Zero Waste policies and Conduct a Zero Waste Assessment
- Implement green supply chain management practices
- Develop the circular economy by converting waste streams to resources
Plant Community Trees To Off-Set GHG 4% Less Every Year
- Plant or fund community trees—especially native and food producing ones
- Maximize native and food producing plants and minimize high maintenance turf grass
- Implement water conservation and nature-based storm water management practices
- Install a green, or cool roof
Learn, Commit, Share!
- Complete a greenhouse gas emissions inventory
- Set a target to reduce your carbon footprint 4% every year
- Share your experiences with the business community on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving money, protecting the environment and creating a cleaner, healthier, more resilient community
- Get involved with N.E.S.T.