
Join your neighbors in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving money, protecting the environment and creating a cleaner, healthier, more resilient community.

Reduce energy use 4% every year

  1. Complete energy benchmarking of your buildings and retrofit to maximize energy efficiency  $ $
  2. Create behavior change management strategies for building users
  3. Implement Energy management equipment and services $ $
  4. Install renewable energy $ 

Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled 4% Per Company Vehicle, Employee And Customer Every Year

  1. Provide incentives for employees and customers to walk, bike, or take public transit
  2. Permit and continue to work from home
  3. Provide electric vehicle charging for employees and customers and transition company fleet to electric $ 
  4. Source locally

Reduce Waste 4% Every Year

  1. Recycle 
  2. Implement Zero Waste policies and Conduct a Zero Waste Assessment 
  3. Implement green supply chain management practices 
  4. Develop the circular economy by converting waste streams to resources

Plant Community Trees To Off-Set GHG 4% Less Every Year

  1. Plant or fund community trees—especially native and food producing ones
  2. Maximize native and food producing plants and minimize high maintenance turf grass
  3. Implement water conservation and nature-based storm water management practices
  4. Install a green, or cool roof

Learn, Commit, Share!

  1. Complete a greenhouse gas emissions inventory
  2. Set a target to reduce your carbon footprint 4% every year
  3. Share your experiences with the business community on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving money, protecting the environment and creating a cleaner, healthier, more resilient community
  4. Get involved with N.E.S.T.